Hylobiz Business Heroes Episode 3 – QR Code

Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.” – Joshua J. Marine

In the business world, there are bound to be roadblocks that can hinder a company’s growth. Lily, the owner of Bloom and Grow flower shop (*original name of business not disclosed) faced some challenges when she struggled to receive payment for a large order she had fulfilled for a nearby restaurant. Despite her efforts, she was left waiting and worried about her business finances.

In our business heroes episode 3 – QR code we have spoken about the solution that was recommended to her by a friend, Lily found a way to deal with the challenges.

Flourishing Business with Hylobiz QR Codes: A Blossoming Success Story

Running a flower shop is no cakewalk, and Lily Bloom,(Original name not disclosed) the owner of a small flower shop in the heart of the city, knows it better than anyone. But, she didn’t expect her struggle to collect payments on time from her corporate clients would eventually lead her to become a QR code hero with Hylobiz.

Here’s her story.

The Struggle of a Flower Shop Owner

Lily’s flower shop was doing well in terms of sales, but she often faced issues in receiving payments from her corporate clients. They either forgot to pay or delayed payments, and Lily had to keep following up with them to get paid on time. It was frustrating and time-consuming, and it affected her cash flow.

The Big Order

One day, Lily received an order from a nearby restaurant for a large number of flower arrangements. The order was valuable and Lily was thrilled to have such a significant business opportunity. She put a lot of effort into making the arrangements and delivered them to the restaurant on time. 

However, Lily was in for disappointment. She waited and waited for the payment to come through, but it never did. She tried calling the restaurant, but they did not answer her calls. She even went to the restaurant to inquire about the payment, but they told her that they would pay her later. Lily was left with no choice but to wait.

The Solution to Delayed Payments

generate qr code, qr code scanner

Days turned into weeks, and Lily was worried. She had already invested a lot of money in the order, and now she was running out of funds. She did not know what to do

Lily had been waiting for payment from a restaurant that had purchased a large order from her shop. However, the payment was delayed for weeks. This was causing Lily a lot of stress and anxiety, as she needed the payment to cover her own bills and expenses. 

One day, a friend recommended Hylobiz to Lily telling her that it could help her collect payments faster and more efficiently.

Hylobiz is an online platform that provides payment solutions for businesses that offers a unique feature where businesses could generate QR codes that their customers could scan to make payments. Lily’s friend suggested that Lily should try using Hylobiz to receive the payment from the restaurant. 

Although Lily was hesitant at first, she decided to give it a try. She signed up for Hylobiz and generated a QR code for her shop. She then contacted the restaurant and sent them the QR code.

The QR code worked as a gentle and professional reminder for the restaurant to pay the delayed payment. The convenience of secure contactless payment through the QR code was evident to the restaurant, who were happy to have found an easy and quick solution. Since traditional payment methods take time, the restaurant appreciated the efficiency of the time it saved them. 

Hylobiz encrypts sensitive data and transactions making the transaction process safer for both seller and the buyer.  

The QR code scanner also provided benefits to Lily as the seller. The payment collection was faster. The real-time payment reconciliation also helped her manage her cash flow better. Furthermore, the automatic reminder system provided by Hylobiz helped her keep track of pending invoices and receive payments on time. 

The quick response code provided by Hylobiz was a much-needed solution for both Lily and the restaurant. The restaurant could make the payment instantly, without the need for complicated financial processes, and Lily could receive the payment she was waiting for and manage her cash flow more efficiently.

The Benefits Hylobiz QR Code
The benefits hylobiz QR code, generate qr code, qr code scanner

Lily realized that the Hylobiz QR code had made payment collection much easier. She did not have to worry about pending payments anymore. She could generate QR codes for all her customers and receive payments without any delay. Hylobiz also helped her keep track of all her transactions and provided her with detailed reports that she could use for her business. 

Over time, Lily’s business grew, and she started using Hylobiz for all her transactions. She recommended Hylobiz to her friends and other business owners, and many of them started using it too. 

Cheers to Lily’s Success

In the end, Lily was Happy. Hylobiz’s QR code made her payment collection easier and helped her grow her business.

If your business is facing cash flow and collection challenges, try Hylobiz!

To know more about collection and cashflow read: https://hylo.biz/improve-your-cash-flow-and-collections/

Reach us: support@hylobiz.com

Read more of our blogs at: https://hylo.biz/blogs/

(Original name of the business and owner are not disclosed)

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the QR code?

A QR code (Quick Response code) is a 2D barcode that can be scanned using a smartphone or other mobile devices with a camera and QR code reader app. It contains information such as website links, product details, and contact information

How safe is QR code?

QR codes are generally safe as they do not contain any harmful code, but there is a risk of phishing scams where criminals can replace legitimate QR codes with fake ones. It is important to verify the source of the code before scanning it.

Is QR code mandatory on tax invoices?

QR codes are not mandatory on tax invoices in all countries, but some countries like India have made it mandatory for businesses with an annual turnover of over Rs. 10 crores.

Where do you put QR code on an invoice?

The QR code should be placed in a visible location on the invoice, such as the top or bottom corner.

What are 3 uses of QR code?

Three uses can be:
1. Contactless payments.
2. Safe and secure payment processing.
3. Advertising and marketing.

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